
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

We have a Face estrena programa de Radio WE HAVE A VOICE 31 de Marzo 2016

Como siempre James Valvano nos sorpende con un proyecto nuevo , fresco e innovador, un programa de radio donde hablaremos sin tapujos sobre la enfermedad de Huntington

Mucha gente necesita ser escuchada Link: http://www.spreaker.com/user/wehaveaface

Necesitamos de su audiencia no se piedan estos increibles progamas.

WeHaveAFace.org Inc. has created "WeHaveAVoice" Radio for the Huntington's and Juvenile Huntington's disease community. It is time for the community to speak out...speak up! We must openly share what all of us in the Huntington's community experience on a daily basis! Removing the stigmas and broadening social awareness and acceptance is paramount!
Visit: www.WeHaveAFace.org/Radio for more information.

I Love you James Valvano  & James Walters

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